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Friday, September 7, 2012

Sunday September 9th 2012 NFL Plays and Write Up's

Week 1 of the NFl!! Feels like its been forever. I will be posting 2 free picks every Thursday by 9pm est Lets get right into things with our 1st pick:

Atlanta Falcons (-2.5) vs Kansas City Chiefs

This game might go down as my game of the year pick. I really should have this listed below as a paid selection but its week 1 and I will let it be. This line keeps on moving and I believe its for great reason! I'm going to come straight out and say it. The Falcons will destroy the Chiefs. Yes you read it right...THE FALCONS WILL DESTROY THE CHIEFS. I'm not saying the Chiefs do not have a great team, they will have a great chance at winning the AFC west. The Chiefs have major issues in the secondary Brandon Flowers has not put a jersey on yet and he is listed as doubtful for this game. I doubt he will even suite up. The Falcons posses sheer talent in the WR units. Matty Ryan will light this team up. Look for the Falcons to get off to a fast start against a Chiefs team who will end up tossing in the towel if they fall behind to much. Remember this is a Chiefs team who got destroyed in last year home opener to BUFFALO! YES BUFFALO! 41-7. The Chiefs got blown out multiple times last year and they have shown time after time there is no fight in them once falling behind big. ATL will open the passing game up early and look to shut the lights on the Chiefs by the half.

ATL covers -2.5

San Francisco 49ers (+5.5) vs Green Bay Packers

What a game this is going to be to open the season! We have seen little movement on this line in Favor of the 49ers. Im sure we might see another .5 +/- before kick off. A lot of people I been talking to and reading there blogs are expecting the 49ers this year to take a step back from last year. This team got stronger in the off season. Added a power running back in Jacobs and a speedy wide out in Manningham. Coach Jim Harbaugh will have this team playing at there full potential. Alex smith is getting stronger and there defense is on of the best. Green Bay is Green Bay what more can you say. Arron Rogers is a beast. There is no stopping this guy. We all know the 49ers will come out and try and slow this game down with the run game while the Packers are going to come out firing trying to pick the pace of this game up right away. Lets face it whenever the Packers are out home you are going to paying a premium for them. This is a match up of strength and weakness. The 49ers defense vs the Packers offense. I see this game coming down the wire and the 49ers actually taking this by 1-2 points.

San Franciso 49ers +5.5