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Friday, October 12, 2012

NFL Sunday October 12th

October 15th:  Thanks to all the new members who joined us this week,  We are currently 2-1 in our documented picks as the PATS cant get it done.  They had so many chances last night but couldn't convert.  Tom Brady threw the game away with all of his costly INT's.  Hats off to SEA for a great win.  We have our final play going tonight and its a member selection play.  I will have the email sent out later today for all the people who jumped on board.

On a side note, we also had 4 teasers going this weekend   We are currently 3-0, waiting to hit the the 4th one as we have the DEN game to go over 34.5 points.  Lets try and get a clean sweep in our teaser plays this weekend.

Whats going on.  We are looking to get back on track here.  Started out on fire...cooled down a little.  We go 0-2 last night as the Sellers can not get it done.  We have a chance to go 2-0 and make it a clean sweep but on 3rd and goal late in the 4th Tenn gets a TD that put us over the play on the total.  We then had one more chance to seal the teaser play as PITT lines up for a 54yr field goal and it comes up 1 yard short.  What can I say, we can't win them all.  I have strong strong strong college football teaser plays on Friday.  3 in total.  These 3 teaser picks are going to be our member only selections picks.  Get on board now, click the button at the bottom of the page and get these picks mailed to you now!  3 very strong CFB plays with 2 of the plays being GOW picks.  Lets us use the 7 points in our advantage.  We got 2 NFL Picks that we will be listing, write ups to come late.  Its not a easy week in the NFL a lot of key match ups but with all the research we have put in this week we are feeling confident with our picks.  As mentioned I write ups will follow tomorrow.

Tampa Bay -4 over Kansas City 
This game is the toughest one of the weekend.  KC is fired up, TB is coming off a bye this one can go either way.  Why do we like the BUCS to cover.  They are coming home and they are coming off a bye week.  The BUS are 5-1 ATS in there last 6 games following a bye week.  KC is 1-4 ATS following an ATS.  Freeman will out shine Brady Quinn at home and the BUCS will take this one.  A lot of people are not giving TB the credit they deserve, but we will and we are going to watch them shine in this spot.  The public is going to be behind KC in this one but we are going to lean towards TB to cover it.

St. Louis Rams +4 over Miami Dolphins
The RAMS are very well rested.  Its almost like they had a mini by-week as there last game played was on the 4th.  The RAMS are getting it done on the defensive side of the ball as they just allowed under 16 points in there last 2 games.  Miami does not have a strong offense, very shaky play at QB and a average running game.  The RAMS are over 500 for the 1st time in a long time and they are going to bring it Sunday to keep it like this.  This is going to be a  defensive battle and getting +4 point here is way to good to pass up.  This is going to be a close game down to the end and I cant see anyone winning by more then 3.  Some key trends to look at:

St Louis: 10-2 ATS off BB division wins
Miami: 8-20 ATS at home off a SU win as an underdog

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