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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday Night Football

November 4th:  Guys sorry I couldn't get my picks up for today....but lets talk about tonight game.  Dallas is in a great spot.  Lets make this quick.  Take the under and Dallas with the points.  Lets cash it.

November 2nd:  2nd NFL documented play:

Sea (-4) vs Minn
These two teams match up well, but Sea at home is atleast a touchdown better.  The weather is going to play in the favor of SEA and Minn is use to a dome not playing in the rain.  Sea is a completley different team at home and we look for them to show us once ahain that they can not be stopped at home.

Play Sea -4 at home.  They are a beast at home and have already knocked off the PATS and PACK

MINNESOTA is 1-8 ATS (-7.8 Units) in all games where the total is between 35.5 and 42 points over the last 3 seasons.
SEATTLE is 9-2 ATS (+6.8 Units) in home games over the last 2 seasons.
SEATTLE is 9-2 ATS (+6.8 Units) in home lined games over the last 2 seasons.
SEATTLE is 12-3 ATS (+8.7 Units) in home games against conference opponents over the last 3 seasons.
SEATTLE is 13-4 ATS (+8.6 Units) when playing with 6 or less days rest over the last 2 seasons.

November 2nd:  Lets go! We are gonna take the books down this week in CFB! 3 plays listed for you in order

  1. Michigan State +1 this is silly giving them a point!
  2. Wake Forest -3 over Boston College....this one will be decided by more then 10
  3. Arizona State +4 over Oregon State....I will take the points in a second and Arizona wins straight out!
  4. Bonus Play here only:  Kansas State 

November 2nd:  Here is our 1st documented NFL Play:

Play Den -3.5 as they win this one easily

The Broncos are 11-0 ATS (+12.2 ppg) since 1995 when the line is within four points of pick and they are off a TD-plus win in which they rushed the ball at least ten more times than their season-to-date average.

The Broncos are 8-0 ATS (+13.2 ppg) since 2009 vs a team with fewer wins on the season when they won last week.

The Bengals are 0-11 ATS (-10.5 ppg) since 1999 at home when the line is within four of pick and they had a positive DPA in each of their last two games.

November 2nd:  Little bit of bad luck last night as we go 0-2.  Would of swept the boards but 1 TO in the end zone which lead to a SD TD late in the game and another INT by KC which lead to a SD touchdown ending up costing us the game.  Take these 2 mistakes of the board and we had this sealed, but what can you do.  On to Friday.  We will have 2 NBA plays today.  Will will also get our CFB games posted.

November 1st:  What a game we have tonight!  Thought last weeks game was gonna be close look out for tonight's ...the money is all going towards San Diego   Its a no brainier here.  The chargers are a game out out 1st and this is a must win.  As bad as they have looked they are only 1 game out!! Crazy!  I'm not saying San Diego is going to loose this game they will win but by how much?

KC has a single "O" TD for the last 3 games and that came in the final 2:27 seconds in a loss vs Oakland.  KC is avg 12.8ppg in there last 16.  The Chargers haven't been much better only managing 2 FGS in there last 6 quarters since going up 24-0 on Den.  SD is also minus 41pts ATS in there last 2 home games.

My prediction:  Crennel is 9-2 ATS on the road vs an opponent alos off 2 losses.  Close game we will watch tonight.  Alot of punts.  Lets go with KC covering the 10pt spread.  KC would of been in the game the 1st meeting if they protected the ball and I do believe they will do that tonight.  Fade SD at home as KC covers the spread.

KC +10
KC +17 under 48 (7pt teaser)

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