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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sunday September 30th 2012 NFL Plays and Write Up's

October 1st:  FREE PLAY--7point teaser....Dallas +4 over 34.5

October 1st:  4-0 SWEEP LAST NIGHT!  Thanks for all the new members who jumped on board last night as  we crushed the books!!.  Easy Winners with the PATS and Broncos.  we are on a 6-0 Run since Thursday.  Man it feels good.  I'm looking into a play for tonight's game....I really hate both of these teams but a 7 PT teaser might make the numbers look even better.  I do think Dallas will win this game but the total is what scares me.  I will be back later to confirm a FREE PLAY!

San Francisco 49ers (-4) vs New York Jets

We are going to back the 49ers here as much as I hate to go against my own teams.  Being from NY I am a big Jets/Giants fan.  Love to see both teams do well.  The 49ers Defense is to much for Sanchez to handle.  Sanchez looked horrible last week against a Miami D that is nowhere near as good as the 49ers.  Look for Sanchez to have trouble getting anything started on Sunday.  Yes I know the 49ers are flying across country for a 1pm game but off a loss the 49ers are 13-1-1 ATS in the last 15.  These are amazing numbers.  The Jets will be missing the best CB in the game and Alex Smith will be hitting Crabtree all game.  The 49ers will load the box and try and make Mark Sanchez beat them.  I do not see this happening.  Look for the 49er's to force Sanchez to the air.  Coming off a Loss to Minn look for the 49ers to rebound in a big way with a over rated NYJ team.

San Francisco 49ers (-4)

Denver Broncos (-6.5) vs Oakland Raiders

This is a tough one to pick right here, especially when laying almost a touchdown.  Remember Denver is at home, and Peyton Manning has put up miserable back to back 1st half’s.  He hasn’t been able to get it going to the 2nd half of both games and still almost put a crazy comeback together.  Fell short in both games.  I look for Manning to come out firing here.  When was the last Time a Peyton Manning team has been under 500?  Forever ago!  I do not see them dropping to 1-3.  Mark my words; this is the week that Denver turns it around.  Manning was unable to find the end zone last week until late in the game.  I do not see him having that trouble against Oakland.  Manning is going to take this offense into his own hands and he will produce.  The Broncos will be able to contain McFadden and put the game in the hands of Palmer who I just don’t see doing it on Sunday.  I am capping this game around 8 points.

Denver Broncos (-6.5)

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