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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sunday October 7th 2012 NFL Plays and Write Up's

October 5th:  2-0 last night!  Rams destroyed Kevin Kolb.  I am now 4-0 on Thursday night games.  8-1 run in the last 9.  Looking to ride this hot streak as we look forward to week 5.  We are releasing a GAME OF THE WEEK PICK ON SUNDAY OCTOBER 7TH.  Its a member selection pick and is guaranteed to hit or next weeks picks are on the house!  This is going to be a 5 UNIT PLAY...my highest payed selection.

Green Bay (-7) vs Indianapolis Colts

We are going to play a 7 pt teaser on this game.  I really like the Packers in this spot vs a rookie quarterback.  Yes I understand that the Colts are coming off a BYE week and this always has proven to give a team a advantage.  The Colts will play the Packers a lot tougher then everyone expects, but Green Bay will prove to be to much for the young Andrew Luck.  I look for this game to be competitive until the 4th quarter when Rogers will start to pull away.  Green Bays offense is going to prove to be to much for the Colts and they are firing on all cylinders right now.  Lets tease this pick and grab GB to win and the over to crush 40.5.  I can easily see this one hitting 50+ points.

Green Pay (pick) and over 40.5

Miami Dolphins at Cincinnati Bengals (-3)

Lets jump on this game before the public does.  I see the Bengals winning this by a touchdown.  Miami is coming off a very physical emotional Over Time loss vs Arizona.  The Bengals are starting to get healthy again and I can see them limiting Tannehill to very little.  There is no way he is going to throw for over 500 yards like he did last week  Cinn is coming home after back to back road games and I look for them to put on a show for the home crowd.  I am not sure what Miami has left in the tank after last week.  I am going to ride Cinn and ride them hard on Sunday.

Cincinnati (-3).

October 4th:  I am going to make this quick.
Rams +2
Rams+9 and Under 46

October 3rd:  I wanna start out with saying THANK YOU to all the new members who came on board last week.  We went 6-1.  Tried for a 7-0 spot but Dallas really cost us on Monday night!!  We look forward to another strong week and we already have a couple of games lined up that we really do like.  We are running a special right now with our MEMBER PICKS!  Purchase WEEK 5'S  NFL PICKS AND WE WILL TOSS IN OUR MNF SELECTION FOR FREE.  Get on board now as we are riding this hot streak.  The kid is on fire and is ready to make some more money!  Once again follow me on Twitter @playersbets  Email me if you are having problems purchasing picks:  playersbet.blogspot@gmail.com

October 3rd:  Whats up sports world.  I have been looking over this Thursday battle for 3 days now and I am torn!  This game is so questionable...comparing the stats for the year side by side they are identical!  The question is will the Rams defend there home turf or will Kevin Kolb continue this crazy run for Arizona and keep them undefeated.  Both teams are coming back on short rest and both teams just battled 2 of the best defenses in the game.  They are tired and worn out.  This will be a game of field position and which QB makes they key 3rd down conversions.  I do believe Kevin Kolb is going to come back down to reality.  He was forced to throw 48 times against the Dolphins due to the lack of the running game.    The RAMS should be 3-1 right now if it wast for a clock error by the replacement refs in week 1.  This is going to be a close game, I can not see any of these teams opening it up.  If the RAMS can keep the ball on the ground and get Steven Jackson going look for holes to open up late against a tired CARDS defense.  As of now I am leaning towards the RAMS at +1 but this is not official!  I will be back tomorrow to finalize this pick as I try and dig deeper into the numbers.

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